Camera2 for Android

Camera2 for Android

Delphi and C++Builder camera and media recorder components for Android.
  • uses Android Camera2 and MediaRecorder APIs
  • available for Delphi/C++Builder 12
  • source code included in registered version
  • royalty free distribution in applications

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How can I apply changed properties to the active preview?
ACamera2.EffectMode := TEffectMode.Mono;
ACamera2.UpdatePreview; // apply properties to active preview
How can I use camera component for optical barcode recognition?
Call CaptureImage method periodically and provide barcode recognition in the OnImageAvailable event handler. You can use Barcode Suite for FireMonkey for this purpose.

Why EJNIFatal exception with message 'Java type sk/winsoft/camera2/DeviceStateCallbackListener could not be found' is raised?
Add Winsoft.Android.Camera2.jar file located in folder "c:\Program Files (x86)\Winsoft\Camera2 for Android\Library" to "Target Platforms/Android 32-bit/Libraries" subtree in the Delphi Projects window.

Why 'Cannot create surface view' exception is raised?
Some control for native preview has to be used. Add TPanel component to the form and set its ControlType property to Platform. Then set Camera2.PreviewControl property to this panel control.

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