PDF Library for Android
Delphi and C++Builder library for creating, processing and rendering PDF documents.
- uses PdfBox-Android library
- available for Delphi/C++Builder 10.4 - 12
- royalty free distribution in applications
Download and order
Order PDF Library for Android $80 USD (license for one developer)
Order PDF Library for Android multi-license $240 USD (license for all developers in company)
Order PDF Library for Android year upgrades $40 USD (registered users only)
Order PDF Library for Android year upgrades multi-license $120 USD (registered multi-license users only)
Why "java.io.FileNotFoundException: open failed: EACCESS (Permission denied)" exception is raised when opening existing PDF file?
You have to request permissions to external storage before using the PDF file:
All files from the Library\assets folder have to be deployed to the Android device and the Remote Path has to be set to corresponding assets\... path.
You have to request permissions to external storage before using the PDF file:
uses System.Permissions, Androidapi.JNI.Os, ... ... PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)], procedure(const APermissions: TArrayHow can I specify page size when creating new page?; const AGrantResults: TArray ) var PermissionGranted: Boolean; begin PermissionGranted := (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted); ... end); ...
Page := Document.AddPage(TPdfPageSize.A4);How can I change page size?
Page.MediaBox := TPdfPageSize.A4;How can I retrieve text from PDF document?
Text := Document.Text;What files should be deployed to the Android device?
All files from the Library\assets folder have to be deployed to the Android device and the Remote Path has to be set to corresponding assets\... path.